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5 Mental Health Questions to Ask Yourself

While many of us will book a doctors appointment when we’re feeling unwell, it is less common for us to check in with our mental health. Give yourself a daily check-up by asking yourself five questions.


How am I feeling today?

Stress, anxiety and worry not only manifest mentally but physically too. Headaches, nausea and dizziness may be signs of stress that you may have overlooked. Stress may also take a little time to present itself since we often notice it we are physically tired. Think about scheduling in 10-minute time-outs during your day. Use these times to sit still, relax or to simply breathe; taking time to notice the breath. 


Whats taking up most of my headspace?

Whether it be difficulties in working from home, finding activities to keep your little ones occupied, or wondering where your next meal is coming from, having many things circulating in your mind may mean your arent fully available to take care of yourself. Social distancing doesn’t help in these situations. Ask for help when you need it. A call to a friend or family member can really help you to feel more supported and connected to others.

Have I eaten well today?

Nutrition is vital to support both mind and body. Ask yourself if youve eaten well today. Notice any changes to your appetite or cravings creeping in, they may be a sign that your body is lacking certain vitamins and minerals. A low appetite or comfort eating can also be signs of depression. 

How well am I sleeping?

Sleep is hailed as one of the best things for our physical and our mental health. Perhaps you are going to bed at a normal time but struggling to drift off and stay asleep throughout the night. Worries ad stresses, as well as your day routine (food, alcohol consumption and physical activity) all impact the way in which we sleep. We suggest that you routinely avoid screen time one hour before bed, sip on a warm drink and write down your worries and stresses before getting into bed.

What have I done today that brings me joy?

Do one thing each day that you love. Whether it be walking your dog, speaking to your best friend or baking a cake. Regardless of what else is on your to-do’ list, we encourage you to add your something’ to the list as a priority.  

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