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What is the role of Healthcare Professionals?

Healthcare refers to taking care of people and nursing them back to full health. It also involves taking measures to prevent diseases from occurring and spreading. But who are the people who administer healthcare and what is their role in society as a whole? Read this blog to find out! Who is a healthcare professional? […]

Why Children’s Environmental Health Matters

Children differ from adults physically, mentally, biologically, and socially, and are growing and developing. “Children” refers to infants, children and adolescents. Environments free from hazards are best for children. Children may, however, encounter hazards such as chemicals in the environment (toxicants) as they move through their day. Children often are more vulnerable than adults to […]

Children and air pollution

Six reasons to protect babies and children from air pollution Their lungs are still developing, and air pollution can interfere with this biological process Their bodies are less able to metabolize, detoxify, and excrete the toxicants contained in air pollution Their brains are still developing, and neurotoxic compounds in air pollution can affect children’s cognitive […]